Angular, React & Vue
A full set of examples for popular front-end frameworks such as Angular, React and Vue can be found on this documentation page.
Full example in Angular​
Angular (html)
<div class="zenc-captcha" data-sitekey="ADD-YOUR-SITEKEY-HERE"></div>
Angular (typescript)
ngOnInit(): void {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = '';
script.async = true;
script.defer = true;
script.onload = this.onScriptLoad.bind(this);
// Called immediately after the solution is ready.
// You can save the solution and send it to the backend when the user submits a form.
console.log("The solution: "+solution);
//You can use this to reset the widget:
onScriptLoad(): void {
const element = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('.zenc-captcha');
const options = {
doneCallback: this.doneCallback
this.widget = new WidgetInstance(element, options);
//You can also choose to automatically start solving the challenge when the widget is ready:
Full example in React​
import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
function App() {
const captchaRef = useRef(null);
const widget = useRef(null);
let loaded = useRef(false);
const doneCallback = (solution) => {
// Called immediately after the solution is ready.
// You can save the solution and send it to the backend when the user submits a form.
console.log("The Solution: " + solution);
const onScriptLoad = () => {
const element = captchaRef.current;
const options = {
doneCallback: doneCallback,
//---> Instead of defining the sitekey in <div>, you could also define it here.
widget.current = new WidgetInstance(element, options);
//You can also choose to automatically start solving the challenge when the widget is ready:
//You can use this to reset the widget:
const resetWidget = () => {
if (widget.current) {
useEffect(() => {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = '';
script.async = true;
script.defer = true;
script.onload = onScriptLoad;
loaded.current = true;
return () => {
return (
<div className="zenc-captcha" data-sitekey="ADD-YOUR-SITEKEY-HERE" ref={captchaRef}></div>
export default App;
Full example in Vue (Options API)​
Vue (Options API)
<div class="zenc-captcha" data-sitekey="ADD-YOUR-SITEKEY-HERE" ref="captcha"></div>
export default {
name: 'Index',
data() {
return {
widget: null
mounted() {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = '';
script.async = true;
script.defer = true;
script.onload = this.onScriptLoad;
methods: {
doneCallback(solution) {
// Called immediately after the solution is ready.
// You can save the solution and send it to the backend when the user submits a form.
console.log("The Solution: " + solution);
onScriptLoad() {
const element = this.$refs.captcha;
const options = {
doneCallback: this.doneCallback,
//---> Instead of defining the sitekey in <div>, you could also define it here.
const widget = new WidgetInstance(element, options);
this.widget = widget;
//You can also choose to automatically start solving the challenge when the widget is ready:
//You can use this to reset the widget:
if (this.widget) {
Full example in Vue (Composition API)​
Vue (Composition API)
<div class="zenc-captcha" data-sitekey="ADD-YOUR-SITEKEY-HERE" ref="captcha"></div>
<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
const widget = ref(null);
const doneCallback = (solution) => {
// Called immediately after the solution is ready.
// You can save the solution and send it to the backend when the user submits a form.
console.log("The Solution: " + solution);
const onScriptLoad = () => {
const element = ref(null);
element.value = document.querySelector('.zenc-captcha');
const options = {
doneCallback: doneCallback,
//---> Instead of defining the sitekey in <div>, you could also define it here.
const widgetInstance = new WidgetInstance(element.value, options);
widget.value = widgetInstance;
//You can also choose to automatically start solving the challenge when the widget is ready:
//You can use this to reset the widget:
const resetWidget = () => {
if (widget.value) {
onMounted(() => {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = '';
script.async = true;
script.defer = true;
script.onload = onScriptLoad;